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James Bond Jet Pack for fly?

Nasa has struggled for years to come up with a jet pack. You know, the thing we all one day hope to strap to our backs and shoot into the sky like superman. Believe it or not, a New Zealand born inventor, a one Glenn Martin, has been tinkering with such a device for over 25 years. It’s now on the verge of coming to complete fruition and with 12 orders at $100k a piece, I’d say he’s completed what one would assume is his life long dream. The two massive engines produce over 600lbs of thrust (200hp combined) and 186mph winds. Inside the engines are Kevlar propellers (I love Kevlar). On a full tank of gas, one gets about 30 minutes of flying time and the tripod legs have built-in shock absorbers to insure a soft landing. No one has flown higher than a few feet, but Martin hopes to have a version that’ll hover 500 feet in six months.


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