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Mobile Broadband: Advantages and Disadvantages

Wireless is the new child on the block that seems to size. How could it not, after all, if it offers various degrees of freedom that simply do not exist beforehand? By avoiding the mess of wires, and the portable notebooks really as portable as they should, wireless technology has found a place in the hearts of even the most computer users exhausted.

Mobile broadband is an extension of this newfound freedom. With high-speed, broadband, Internet access via a wireless portable nature through modems, phones or other custom equipment allows, once more, for more freedom. Unfortunately, this freedom also comes with drawbacks.

Two key advantages of mobile broadband --

Firstly, mobile broadband offers unprecedented levels of comfort as far as broadband Internet is concerned. All we need is the modem and Internet access is available, in theory anyway. If coverage is good enough, it would be possible to completely mobile broadband usage abroad from any computer terminal you happen over.

Secondly, the complete lack of need for a landline telephone number will provide more flexibility. Whether at home, work, or the park, a country is totally unnecessary. This represents an even less cable dangling around, and even more portability.

Two major disadvantages of mobile broadband --

First of all, but unfortunately, the range of reception for most mobile broadband networks seems to be too limited. Sometimes the poor reception is available in "pocket" here and there from the link with the broadband Internet is not possible, but at other times it may be whole areas that are simply not covered. Also worrying is the fact that, if there is a high concentration of users in a specific area of the use of mobile broadband, it can lead to a general slowdown in service.

Secondly, the bandwidth available to mobile broadband customers is usually much smaller than their conventional counterparts. Although this particular restriction would remain unnoticed for most casual users, heavy Internet users would find it to a halt to their activities. Some current mobile broadband providers on a fee per MB-use basis and at the end this can be expensive, unless the broadband is used sparingly.

Like a judgement, mobile broadband has a very high potential that can be tapped and used, but still very limited because of yet. That said, it should be noted that the same was said of wireless networks at a point in time, not so very long ago, and as such, never underestimate what tomorrow may bring.

For the casual user who values mobility and convenience of speed and consistency, mobile broadband is still a very attractive option. However, for heavy Internet users, and others who simply can not or do not want to work with the reception problems or bandwidth limitations it may be unwise to focus on this particular option only. After The Kinks which is execution, mobile broadband really come into its own as the preferred form of Internet access.

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