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The Evolution And Advances of Mobile Phones

Mobile phones have become an incredibly large part of everyday life, although it is hard to believe that only a few decades ago, mobile phones were virtually non-existent. Portable phones were the size of briefcases, and the implementation was about a dispute that most people wanted to avoid. Over the years, advances in technology have led to smaller, more capable phones, and now it is difficult to find someone, not a separate mobile phone. Some users can not even remember what they did without the device.

The first phones were big two-way radios, which only in vehicles, because they too heavy to be carried around by people. In fact, they have been installed in the vehicles, since there was no sense to remove them. Eventually, suitcases and backpack two-way mobile phones were invented, and while they were very large by today's standards, in the 1940s, they were quite innovative.

In the cellular communication was the first time in the late 1940s, technology was not advanced enough to support towers and cell phones. It was not until the late 1950s, the telephone network by mobile phones began to be expected. Phones weigh twenty-ninety pounds and not more than a few hundred people ever bought. They were also incredibly bulky and expensive.

One of the main purposes of a mobile phone is in a position to talk while you're on, but first had to stay in a small area of a single cell, and when they leave the area, the call would disconnect. Bell Labs was responsible for numerous mobile innovations, and there was no lapse when it came to this dilemma. In response to the problem, a call handoff system has been developed in which users could travel through several areas of cell and not lose the connection. This system is still in use today, although it has been improved and developed, which in some cases.

The true father of mobile phones is widely known as Dr. Martin Cooper, as he holds the U.S. patent for his radio-telephone system, which today as a mobile phone or portable phone. He was also the first person to a cell phone conversation that was on a pedestrian street in front of surprised. Although there were several types of mobile phone systems Cooper, he was the first to develop a phone that does not require that all the extra baggage, with other products.

The 1980s and 1990s saw the fastest improvements in mobile phones than ever before. Two generations spanned two decades, 1G and 2G, and currently, 3G phones are most commonly used, and have the ability to transmit text messages, audio and video, and photos. Many people use their phones more for applications other than for the call. It is basically impossible to find a mobile phone that is limited to making calls only. The most advanced mobile phones now have access to the Internet, GPS services offer, and can take a long video with amazing quality. The iPhone, for example, is the epitome of innovation, the use of a seamless surface touch, so the user quick access to everything they want. What the future holds is a mystery, and one can only wonder what new features are ahead of us.

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